Friday, September 4, 2009

Fridays are for Funnel Cakes

Well today has been a pretty lazy day off. I have done all of my laundry, but now it's in a big pile to be folded...LOL I always do that, and it takes a team of bulldozers to help me out. I bought some cute stuff at Target for Baby Avery, more on that in a sec. I tried to do some homework. I sneezed a lot. I made some yummy dinner. I plan to do some crafting this evening....but first cute stuffs!

1. Love is in the air print by the poppy tree. Just too cute! I love the tandem bike and well just all of it!

This one is also by the poppy tree. Who doesn't love a cute panda, who also happens to like milkshakes? xo

2. This is from sara seven, I've blogged about her before. This is just a pic on her special listing for someone, but I lovelove all of it!
3. This is how I feel a lot recently lol from pretty little thieves

4. This is from Cath Kidson, her online mag is just too cute! I wish that was my kitchen!

5. I actually own this bag. I wanted it because it reminded me of all the Lisa Frank stuff I had growing up. You can get it at
6. Red Keds = dream come true...
7. I thought this dress was pretty. From

8. I'm in lovelove with this destressed jeans.....drool...
9. Do I need another bag, no. Do I like this pretty blue bag, yes.

10. Some pretty Dwell Studio stuffs for Baby Avery! Not sure if the sis likes it, but I think it's cute!

11. I actually bought this today, isn't it adorable?! Baby Avery is going to be the cutest kid on the planet!
I also got this for baby avery at target, the little hood has bear ears!!

In a week i'm going to go hang out with my momma and lil sister. Can't wait for a vacation from whoville here....I know it's a holiday weekend, but i get to tell me about all the fun you'll be having!

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