Friday, November 13, 2009

What's in My Bag....

I've always wanted to do one of these, so I am! I love purses, bags, totes....I practically live out of my bag so here goes:

I had to take several pictures, and I took them with my iphone b/c the batteries died on my camera, again. Be prepared for lots of stuff....I was just thinking why is my bag so

I'm knitting another scarf, my wallet, my fav beanie, and fingerless mittens, a mood ring, a straw, and a coffee mug with green tea in it (my throat has been hurting), and snack crackers....

the new Nylon, a bottle of water, my nintendo ds, i collect those starbucks coozies for crafts, 2 forks and a spoon, oatmeal, and my fav sunglasses at the moment.

pocky, small altoids, zinc cold remedy, goody bag from the shower, dry shampoo, lip glosses, excedrin, the cutest bag ever that brooke made me...

hair clips, twilight woods perfume, pen, makeup, hand sanitizer, passport, day planner, coloring book, peppermint oils, keys, lotion...

keys, klennex, mixed nuts, rice krispey treat, the book i'm reading...

the big lisa frank bag this is all in, including the other no wonder it's heavy...

sooooo....what's in your bag?

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