I'm following Brooke's lead...lets see what I get accomplished tomorrow:
1. Drink Coffee.
2. Hit up Hobby Lobby for tshirts, screenprinting stuffs, and who know's what else. (That's a list all it's own).
3. Get oil changed in the cruiser.
4. Have lunch with T & Eric. (At least I got a few things done)
5. Make screen, then print shirts.
6. Get packages ready to mail. (Hopefully mail).
7. Figure out the Secret Santa gift for meeting next week.
8. Get the goods to bake goodies for meeting.
9. Work on my cupcake painting.
10. Work on my Christmas Gifting List.
11. Figure out how to crochet.
12. Laundry....
I think my list is getting out of control. If the weather is super bad, I might have to stay home. My poor puppies were traumatized by the hail we received today! Looked like it snowed...
Link up your to do list, and let me know what you get done. PS let Brooke know too, it was her idea...
ashey's to do list
1. do averys laundry (check)
2. get groceries
3. figure out what to make everyone for x-mas
4. clean out closet
5. need to send shawna black shirts
6. sleep
looks like i only got 1 thing done
where are you at Shawna...nothing crossed off. You did spend the day watching Netflix, did you?
lol i wish i watched netflix all day! i feel likes it takes me ages to do anything! i didn't really get anything done :( how do i do that whole line through the text thing? lol
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