Well today I got a call from my old boss @ Pacsun. I'll be heading back over there just part time and not as a manager, which is awesome since that's what I need to supplement my subbing. So yay for part time jobs! I'm not super excited about working black friday, but that's how the cookie crumbles or whatever.
I'm wearing my 'you are what you eat' shirt from Dressing on the Side today. I am about to head over to have coffee and hang with T. Then I've got to come home and finish cleaning the guest bathroom. My mom, sis, and baby avery will be here tomorrow! I'm really excited!!
u cant work on black friday thats my bday!!! GGGRRR...
Boo! Black Friday! I hope subbing is going well for you!
so glad you got a part time job we love Pacsun around here
i used to be a manager there. and ash i'm only maybe working in the morning, i may not if all my stuff doesn't get processed. i can start subbing after my fingerprint appointment on the 1st! ;)
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