Saturday, July 23, 2011

Panic, Manic Panic

Today I never left my house or got out of my pj's. So most of my to do list from earlier never happened. Although I did wash my hair and make some brownies. I discovered that the manic panic I bought recently, thinking that it was lavender, was actually the toning stuff I was thinking about getting from Sally's. I am going to try it tomorrow and see if I get some rad white hairs. I love love manic panic because it's vegan, doesn't damage my hair, and is only semi permanent so I can change colors as often as I want. So obviously I have colored hair on the brain....


elric said...

Hey! I LOVE your hair! It's stunning. Question: are you a natural blond? I'm trying to get to silver(I'm Black, which says all).

elric said...

Hey! I LOVE your hair. It looks amazing on you. Question: are you a natural blonde and how many times have you bleached to get your hair that pale(I'm Black, which explains all).

Unknown said...

I'm a natural blonde. I use a purple shampoo to keep it whiter and not so yellow. I've only bleached my hair once, after I dyed it red. I usually just use a box dye for platinum, then put on manic panic. Hope that helps! :)