Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dear Life....

I'm pretty sure I'm a crazy cat lady without any cats. But crazy dog lady doesn't sound as cool, and I like things with cats on them. So crazy cat lady it is...

I need this shirt....

My hair is long and out of control. I never brush it and well that's mostly why it's out of control. Sometimes, I think I should just chop it off and start over. I did that once and looked like a little boy....

But I think Michelle williams hair is super cute.

I think I need these goofy ottomans. But not the clown one, clowns are scary.

Work has been a major pain in my ass, let's just be honest. I always have the worst luck with jobs. I'm hoping soon to have a baby, make art, and work for myself. Goodbye retail. (fingers crossed).

The rest of my week is filled with work, work, and more work. I wish I was less responsible and a slacker sometimes. Or on a permanent vacation. Speaking of vacations, I'd like to get the heck out of dodge for a while. A girl can dream.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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