After a long and exhausting week of work, that starts over tomorrow....I will be going to have margarita's...oh yess I am excited. As soon as Clint gets home from band practice, it is margarita time! Do you know when you work work work it starts to wear you thin, and everyone you work with wants to know if they can buy you a red bull, and a crazy customer says you look tired and you agree and he hands you some jolly ranchers out of his pocket hoping it will make your day better? Well if not, you obviously do not work in retail lol. This week I was hoping I could wear a fun mask so no one could comment on how tired I looked here are some fun masks I would like to wear. I think it would make everyone's day better if we all wore masks....
For some reason I am loving cat inspired ones, maybe because I'm already a cat lady at heart. Images from weheartit and random tumblers.
Ps how was your week?