Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today has been a long and stressful day. I am glad it is over. I am celebrating with a beer. I'm pretty sure I had the same look that Spike has on his face on mine all day. You know when you get to the end of your tether, and it's about to break and people are running away from you because they are pretty sure you are about to hulk out and cause major collateral damage, but then at the last second you eat some twizzlers, drink an energy drink, and call your sister to rant about the injustice of it all...and the day is saved. You take a deep breath, take care of business, then come home and put on your pikachu house shoes, pet your puppies, eat chocolate, listen to country music, and decide you're going thrifting tomorrow....yeah that about sums up my day.


DEBBIE said...

sorry it wasn't better. guess I should have just kidnapped you and made you shop for cute baby clothes with me. :)

Aria Belle said...

if you ever need to rant... and yay for puppies making life better... and chocolate.