Friday, December 17, 2010

On The Edge of Town

I'm waiting on my MIL, so we can go Christmas shopping. Today I am wearing one of the many fabulous Christmas sweaters my mom has gotten for me, and a vintage fur hat, and Clint's 'I Remember Country Music' t-shirt that I got for him at SXSW a few years ago.

I have tons to do today and I don't think I've accomplished much, but taking out the trash and doing the dishes. I need a fabric pen to start on one of my projects and some other stuff. I don't even think I know....

Yesterday we celebrated Eric's bday with dinner and a little laser tag. I got 3rd and Clint got 1st in the free for all. It was super fun! I think I'll take my mom next time she visits.

It's supposed to snow today, I've seen a few flurries. It's pretty cold, but I'm glad it's not icy. Me and the ice are non-mixy...

Did I mention I have a tumblr now? It's pretty fun...check it out here

1 comment:

Dez Schwartz said...

Yay for laser tag! Next time we're in your city we should meet up to play. Nick used to play semi-pro in tournaments and has been wanting to try out the new place in Buddy Holly land for a while. ;)

Have fun Christmas shopping & drink some hot cocoa to stay warm!