Monday, January 31, 2011

Ghost Cats

I did my taxes today.
I went and sat for hours in the wee hours of the morning to not get picked as a juror.
I finally found the felt I was looking for...oh and watercolor pencils.
I got my Fruits Basket planner, but it's soo cute I don't think I can use it!
I made a super nasty vegan dinner.
I finally completed the mission I was having trouble with in Kingdom Hearts only to die before I had a chance to save.
I think I'm hearing a ghost cat...right's creepy.
I drank an evil cup of coffee today. It was less evil because of the soy milk, but still evil.
I checked my mail! Woot Netflix!

Dear Monday, You were all right....


Sailor July said...

I love tax time, we have gotten money back every year and it is SUCH a joy.

I got some artsy supplies today too, yay artsy stuff. ^_^

I have *never* read or watched Fruits Basket. However I am totally into anime/manga. What's it about, in your words??? I always prefer a fan's words over Wikipedia's... Though I love Wikipedia too.

Ghost cat? Take pictures, ya never know!!!

Coffee is the nectar of the Gods!!!


Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

wow girl, you're ahead of the game, good job! i haven't even thought about tax time much yet.

omg, you make me laugh with random daily happenings. have fun with your netflix tonight lades and happy monday! ♥